Home Safe

and well

Slips, trips, and falls in the workplace

Physical work-related ill-health and injury, along with mental health issues such as work-related stress and depression, are serious problems for individuals and companies.

working days lost in the UK in 2019-2020

17.9M DUE to stress, depression, or anxiety

8.9M DUE TO musculoskeletal disorders

6.3M DUE TO Non-Fatal Workspace Injuries

All employers have a duty to provide employee, but is it enough? In dangerous environments such as construction, the risks are very clear with an acute focus on health and safety. In the office environment, complacency can be a real problem in a relatively safe environment, with few such obvious risks of injury or death.

One Health and Safety team felt the existing training was not engaging (video and presentation). So they were keen to try a more engaging approach.


J DaltonHead of XR – PWC

“Home Safe
and Well” experience 

In 2019 MXT built a “Home Safe and Well” experience for office-based workers. The theme of the campaign was about making sure every employee is safe and sound—both physically and mentally.

The user passed through a virtual office setting where they were prompted to identify hazards, and correctly report them. The thoughts of the users were captured, and they were later debriefed by a member of the Health and Safety team, to solidify any learnings.

Experiences, such as this, provide a multitude of beneficial purposes:

Conversation Starter

Between the user and the trainer and as part part of a wider campaign around an organisation.


Such training can be conducted anywhere at the convenience of trainees, line managers, and the trainers.


Immersive training done well literally creates physical memory pathways in the brain.


There is no need to start over, the experience can be expanded upon, over time, without the need to build afresh