MXTreality were pleased to lead the Future Cities Catapult’s XR Partnership Day; where we facilitated discussion on the future of cross reality or XR and explored its application and value on the advanced urban services and smart city agenda. It was an exciting and informative event with representatives from business, academia and policy coming together to network and engage the topic at hand. In partnership with us were Igloo Vision and Ravensbourne University who themselves showcased fascinating technologies.

Our expertise within the Immersive technology industry is in leveraging our own knowledge and that of our partners in pursuit of engaging solutions that solve a problem and produce actionable intelligence; far beyond the novelty of nicely rendered visuals. Therefore, for our workshops we demonstrated biometric capture in the form of eye tracking technology, that when combined with a headset produces a deep level of insight into the effects of urban design on its users. To showcase the art of the possible we brought with us our Teslasuit and discussed the possibilities of haptic feedback and biometric capture on health care and learning and development. Additionally, we showcased our VR models; demonstrating multi-user labs, simulators and configurators and their effects on engagement, risk mitigation and L&D.

We were encouraged by it’s reception and are very much looking forward to continuing the discussion. Big thank you from MXT to Will Pearson and The Catapult for organising the event and to everyone that attended and took part.